miercuri, 27 februarie 2008

Zee wind of change..

New look - photo session febr 2008

sâmbătă, 23 februarie 2008

joi, 14 februarie 2008

Love Overdose

Happy Valentine world! Enjoy THE LOVE!

marți, 5 februarie 2008

Winter time



(an interview with him soon )

Shooting time


Our special guests

Smoothy Miss I & Monichiq

Soon - Jo.E and some music

Sea side

Anigram's dance

football game

Few months ago..

Zee manager

Youg zee

In suburbia

we're flying high..

Zee sea side event

Our manager Anigram + Christian Purcell - our transporter

Photo session sept 2007
all rights reserved © Sorin Serghiuta & Zee wonders



"Caravan" time

Indian summer


first album - photo session 2007


What are your songs about?

Z: we sing about world peace, love..passion( este fasticita, isi freaca mainile)
W: love and passion..

Do you write/compose your own songs?

Z: da..sa zicem. dat fiind ca piesele noastre nu au versuri..muzica vine spre noi. pur si simplu..ne cuprinde..
W: yes, of course. inspiratia vine in cele mai neobisnuite momente, in timpul mesei..nu trebuie sa cauti nimic, sa astepti. te loveste pur si simplu.

Who are your musical influences?

Z: too many..to be honest..we are different..
W: we insipre our selves from books, life tales, from day to day experience..

How do you describe your music to people?

Z: it's a powerfull experience..we want to share our experience with the world. this is why we don't have a lot of lyrics. our music is for everyone.
W: if you listen your head will be empy, your brain will be blanck but your ears will be very very happy

How would you define the word “success”?

Z: succes is not everything..it's just a small piece...from a huge puzzle.
W: for me succes is like a Miss contest, where everything you do or you think has to be perfect.

If you could have a choice of anyone in the world, who would you have as your lover?

Z: right now we are going to some changes..i think i will keep my boyfriend, the one i'm with right now..but I'm not really sure that I'm with him..I mean, not right now. And after this tour..I don't know. I think I want him.
W: we are thinking about changing our sexual orientation. I can share make-up with Zee..I don't really like boys, but I look nice as a gay..so..I don't know.

More to come:))


5 oct 2007